Am I prepared to make a company?

Published on 20.11.2022

So I took down yet another startup. Fructoland was a project that aimed to make good software for minimalists using cutting edge web tech.

We had a pretty good start, but then we stumbled on some legal problems, so I had to shut it down.

It's not the first time though

I also had a delivery company called Pingy. We got into some problems with the local restaurants and we again were forced to shutdown the project.

Fail fast or win big

As the Silicon Valley says: fail fast or win big. I guess it's a good thing to try as many things as possible. This way you can find something that sticks. Something that you like and that you can profit from.

So what does it take?

Well, it takes money, a good idea and a good team. I learned that it's better when you have someone to help you.

I guess it's lesson learned. I will apply this knowledge in the future.

It's sad though

It's so unfortunate though that I had to do this. But I have bigger things planned though. Maybe Fructoland will be revived.